Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Sunday 2 May

Sunday nights I always go to Clare's and we watch our stories. Our regular one at the moment is Dr Who, though it used to be Supernatural on Mondays. We also watched an episode of "Eureka" *lame* and the first hour of "From Russia With Love", which I loved but, like all things I love, I fell asleep in front of it. I blame the Jason Recliner™. And the champagne. And the day I'd spent out sailing on the Harbour with Jo, Kat and Andrei, a new member in the sailing club, with the whitest teeth I have ever seen, blue eyes like the blue in the paint box you painted blue eyes with at school (does this sentence need work?) and glossy thick wavy chestnut hair. He is just learning the ropes but knew how to fold the sails, which I didn't. We don't fold sails on my usual boat (Quest) so he showed me up there, which checked somewhat my nascent admiration.

I pointed out to Clare her striking resemblance to #3 in "From Russia With Love". She was pleased, admiring #3's dedication and methods, which are much like Clare's own with her students: "If you cannot immediately sing for me a faultless harmonic minor scale, you will not leave this room alive!"

What a glorious day though! After the race, when we and some other club boats anchored in Athol Bay for a late lunch, I went swimming, visiting my crew mates on Quest, and saying hullo to Doriana and Snigga. I could also have admired Andrei in his swimsuit, but see above.

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